Strong and Silent Type
The things I never said out loud would likely fill a very, very small bucket.
Like the one you stick ketchup and mustard in at a mom 'n pop diner - a tiny bucket.
I try so hard - so very hard - to just not speak.
I'll even try to refrain from commenting on Prose posts because inevitably I'll start getting carried away and typing in whole mini posts in the comments. I'll struggle, hit the like button, and then try to force myself to step away.
It would be great if society hadn't developed this polite, "Hey, I'm gonna let you take a turn!" talking rule. With me that's like saying, "Hey, I'm gonna just kick aside this floodgate for a second, 'cause you just seem too quiet, huh?"
I was quiet for a reason!!! Nooooooooooooo!!
My partner gets it. They don't even beat around the bush anymore. They just cut me off and say, "I've stopped listening, wrap it up." It shocks people but honestly, it's so nice to have that clearcut intervention.
'Cause I don't need to say everything. My thoughts can quite happily bounce around inside my head until they get replaced in five seconds with new ones. It's OK.