Lowest of the Low
This is an interesting question. For MW, it has a few different answers, depending on how I feel at the given moment.
First, I just want to say that I’m sorry you feel that way. I know exactly how you feel. I’ve felt the numbing sense of hopelessness that makes everything feel dull and pointless. I want to add that things do get better, and these momentary feelings of despair and emptiness will pass. It may take some time, longer than you might like, but I promise that you’ll feel happy or at least stable soon enough.
When I feel like life isn’t worth living, I’ve cycled through a few different options:
-Talk to someone. This is usually my mother and my therapist. Both can help you understand why you might be feeling that way after a certain event, and how to feel better. Find someone you trust who won’t judge you.
-Stare at the TV all day. At my lowest of lows, this is all I was capable of doing, and that’s ok. Eventually, with baby steps, you’ll be able to do more things, but start where it’s comfortable.
-Watch YouTube or Read stories online. Both are enjoyable for me, and more often than not, both make me laugh. Laughter is important to getting better. Even if you start out forcing yourself to laugh or snort air out your nose, you’ll eventually start to laugh on your own. You’ll find your sense of humor.
-Overplan your future. This is proabably a bad idea, but sometimes I fall back onto this. When my future feels bleak, I need to obsess over finding a life purpose, or something to fill up my next few years. Having a goal to live for is not bad, and has brought me stability. The bad part is stressing over whether or not you can achieve all these dreams. Start with small baby steps. You can still hold onto your dreams, but focus on baby steps first.
I hope these suggestions have helped you as they’ve helped me. I want to see you smile and feel better. I hope you grow into the amazing person I know you are. Please feel better soon and stay safe. You are worthy of living, you are good enough.
#depression #low #numb #alltimelow #suicidal #hopeless #hope #life #mentalhealth #feelbetter #thistooshallpass #protip