dOn’T (aka autocorrect officially hates me with a passion)
Xiii| dOn’T LisTeN tO TheM
97; each whisper lingers in your h e a r t
v! doubting the faith, hope, dreams drilled into it
-48) each word breaks r e l a t i o n s h i p s
P. until you crumple in a quiet corner and cry with only ThEm to accompany you
66! each wail cripples your h e a r i n g
m. they ring in your ears and are all you can hear
Vi) DoN’T tALk aBOuT tHEm
74. each whisper sends h e a d s turning
N! mouths twisted in sneers, noses crinkled, eyes squinted in repulsion
-21. each word prompts another offer for h e l p
C; thrown pity like fallen petals, plucked from the rose of sympathy
16| each wail plasters another l a b e l
q. ripping your heart slowly, agonizingly piece by piece
xi; DOn’t tHinK AbOUt THem
32. each whisper h a u n t s you
t) in your dreams, in your memories, in your happiness, in you
89. each word stabs your s a n i t y
Y! absorbing it secretly through cool, metal blades
-50| each wail guides you to the e d g e
r. teetering back and forth aNd bACk anD FoRTh ANd baCK aND fORtH AnD bACK AND FORTH AND BACK AND FORTH AND BACK AND FORTH
IV. dON’t iGNorE tHeM
B) each whirl becomes u s e l e s s
3! sentenced to an escape-less, endless mental torture