Her hair runs over her face and shoulders
She is pale and fragile
almost porcelain
Isolated in a corner
she sits very immobile
I wonder how she had been
if people were not seen as a number
and numbers were not seen as people
She might as well be made out of tin
because in effort for her not to fail
they have removed her heart
to save time and verify wallets didn’t suffer
A child drugged up to a medicine
is a sight I can hardly bare
specially when short cuts are taken
and better forms of help were
overseen and set as a back up or spare
So what, if her life use to have more color
and her steps were full of dance and art
So what, if she couldn’t stand still
as the teacher taught her to do a drill
So what if her special learning forms
would budget for an extra dollar
All hard work is paid to what’s worth
for me and you both
when one can show compassion and valor
In order to not have a child feel ill
and watch as her shine shudders
Witness her smile fade into a scowl
and her energy for life disappear
as she internally suffers
She lost most of her self
and found perfect evaluation
She placed a trophy on the shelf
and as she watched her reflection
she placed herself there as well