I am a female with attention deficit hyperactive disorder- primarily inattentive. For some reason, after days upon days upon days of being absorbed in screens, junkfood, and depression, I woke up today and looked up writing contests. I rarely finish anything that I start and I have not written much at all- I did take a class in college in order to prepare me to teach kids how to write and I loved it but it was just an elective course in the journey of preparation to help me learn to teach all subjects. I found this site and was instantly drawn to the freedom of expression and sense of community (as well as the numerous prompts- like candy!- to help get me started- (something that is often near impossible for me).
How did I find Prose? I am unemployed at the moment and saw a movie not long ago where a woman in the 60s and 70s turns to write-in contests to support her family and her alcoholic husband. I am not in a dire situation by any means, but it fascinated me. I researched to see if anything like that still existed and lo and behold. My motivation is definitely not money-I just know I have so much in my mind to be created and that I want to create- I just have trouble producing. I have only been on the website for maybe an hour and I am already feeling so much joy ..and relief? in a way? I think the spontaneity of answering a random challenge and just writing out whatever comes to my brain as soon as it’s there is what is so appealing to me. I’ve already submitted 5 entries and can’t wait to answer more challenges and prompts, as well as, get to know people in the community. I hope all of you have a wonderful, creative, and fulfilling day. :)