What haven’t you heard, read, or seen before? I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. At least, I’m pretty sure. But, the fact of the matter, is you HAVE seen me. I assure you that you’ve read me in books, heard me in songs, seen me at school. How do I know? Because I’ve read me in books, heard me in songs, seen me in the movies. Whether her name was April or Paige or Riley, you have seen my life play out as their’s. We are simply the same prosaic colored shards rearranged into mosaic stained glass windows. Art reflects life, and life reflects art. Life reflects life. There is nothing I could serve you that you haven’t had before. I am just an imitation of life before me, because I wasn’t made to be unique. There is a reason new discoveries, no matter how minute, are so celebrated. But I haven’t made any earth-shattering discoveries. I am only one teenage girl who is okay with being un-unique. So is it just ique? Point is, if I had, I’d be famous and not sitting in this leather chair grasping at the elusive straws of dreams. So I will not put myself on this page for you, because you are not looking for me. You’re looking for a discovery handed to you on a silver plate. Well, happy birthday, merry christmas. Here is your unsurprising discovery everyone has an inkling of but won’t acknowledge.