Sherzod’s Quandary
By the fact that the challenge was created on this site, and the declared intent of said challenge stands in contradiction of that fact, leads one to conclude that it is a satirical commentary on the nature of amateur writing communities - an unpopular school of opinion that will most likely be ignored. In which case, I expect this will never be read. Will never mean anything. And trees that fall in forests don't make a sound...
Well actually, that's not how sound works; it's a vibration of molecules that we can sense with our ears, but the sound isn't created by our ears, so it is the stupidest analogy in the world. Of course the falling tree still causes those vibrations; therefore it makes a sound, only the hubris of man would lead one to conclude otherwise.
On a similar note, if a writer practices writing on a platform where other people can read their work, does it make a difference? If a person feels as though they are being heard, does it matter if the world doesn't know? Have I wasted enough of your time explainng the obvious?