Tumbling Face First Into the Bog
Tearing across a dewy lawn
a baby squirrel flies like lightening
up a thick monster of oak,
and evacuates another
dust-bunny sized squirrel
from his supposed claim
as the sun bleeds down through
the branches...
...I hear the disposed squirrel
chitter back at the squirrel at the top
of the tree in anger,
as the victor chitters back his way,
sounding like he's laughing,
and for some reason
my mind goes flying,
and I'm off on another tangent,
wandering deep through the wet muck,
shaking my cans together
'til this slot in time's
Are we biting at each other heels?...
Why do we care when a birthdate slides by,
and the presents aren't forthcoming
from the people who would matter least?...
...Or even if they do matter,
where does this expectation rise from?...
It's like poor people dressing up
to impress the rich
who never look their way,
except to say,
"Good, they're occupied..."
There's a desire for status,
to be a King of something static...
We buy the gleaming products,
or respond out of some panic
to the political agenda
of the day...
"Which side are you on?..."
Fighting for our right
to bitch into a thick fog mist!...
...If we really knew the score
would we still carry this insistence
to have all flagrant voices heard
for no clear reason but the sound...
"Hear that echo in the park?...
...It's getting louder...
Something's swelling..."
I want my head to stop it's bell,
But there's a reason I've been ringing...
Need to reach or breach a bank
where there is fewer words, I think...
...Give it a rest...
Take it to bed...
We must remove ourselves
from morass.
Hearing the squirrels chitter build
out of that bush
where it's been damned...
...To be condemned is not so bad,
as long as we have time to sit
and lick old wounds,
ponder our selves...
Whatever gives me back
my voice.
Bunny Villaire