When I’m older
I'm not 20 yet, it seems so far off. But I want to tell me this much.
Keep writing, you're good and smart.
Don't procrastonate, get that head start.
Help others as much as you can.
Know that not everything goes according to your plan.
I hope that when I'm 20 I'll be doing alright.
I hope not to be putting up a fight.
Watch yourself, and those you're with.
Make sure that this letter isn't just a wish.
By now I hope you have figured out,
Some of what life is all about.
Listen to those, who know how this story goes.
Stop and think, remember what you know.
Don't forget to play in the snow.
Remeber what you learned in school,
and life can be really cool.
Be good, be kind, and always apologize.
Forgive others, you don't have to do this alone,
You don't always have to be known.
You won't always know what to do,
And many won't know too.
Keep good freinds,
and always keep a smile on your face.