Write a short story that includes this line in it somewhere: "company, stand down."
Where are my military fiction writers out there? Where are my bend-the-rules writers, as well? Whoever you are, this challege may be for you. Write a short story that includes the following line in it somewhere: "company, stand down." It must be done in at least fifteen words. That is all. So, have fun with it, and I cannot wait to see what you come up with.
Stand Down
The sky is grey with smoke and ash
We need to cover our faces because,
The air is hard to breath with the lingering gas
The wind carries the sound of screams
Everthing seems like a nightmare
The worlds dying or so it seems
We lay head down in our trench
We try to stand up and stay brave
We fight strong beside the French
We stare as we destroy our own broken towns
We watch our own men in gas drown
Our General then screams “Company, stand down”