Let's Make a List
What topics, subject matter and opinions that should not be tolerated on this platform? Please include any objectionable words, phrases, historic or religious references. Also helpful suggestions as how to punish offending authors. $5 for the most complete display of intolerance.
“I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion” Kerouac
1. Window imagery. Either jump out or close it.
2. Bright colorful nauseating flowers. Unless they are on a grave.
3. Indecisive characters who never fully develop. Give the people a direction.
4. Run on sentences that never seem to end and go on forever and ever and ever.
5. Writing in all caps. Like why are you yelling at me right now?
6. The unexplained segue. He went to the kitchen to get a sandwich. The next day he was hit by a bus.
7. Using profanity for shock value. I’d rather you decapitate someone.