Ask An Atheist Day Round Two
Hello everybody. Today is national Ask an Atheist Day. After last years successful turn out, I've decided to create the "Ask an Atheist" challenge. This is a chance to get to know us atheists and have an understanding from one another. Anyone is free to ask questions regarding faith and our lack of faith. Fellow atheists here on Prose are free to help answer questions and enter if they choose to. As a reminder, this is a friendly challenge, so let's be respectful to one another. Let's get started. I'm an atheist. Ask me anything.
What is the difference between an atheist and a theist...?
Two on a bus bench compared notes... They had some valuables. One had some coins; the other a metal cross. Neither had enough. The former decided to prostitute; the latter to pawn the pendant. They both took a loss, but satisfied that they did what they could, they both boarded the bus in good faith that at some point they would get off.
Ask an Atheist Day Round Two challenge @Harry_Situation