Question :)
Hey! i think this is so helpful! im a christian btw :)
ive always wondered how athiests reoncil history and fact in regards to the bible with their beliefs? for instance, in the Bible, there is this one book that prohecys that this king, cyrus the great will conquer and rule perisa as well as conquer babalyon., and restore the jewish temple. then, a hundred years later according to the bible, belshazzar, then the king of babalyon is sitting during a festival, and this hand appears and writes that he is about to lose his city. and in that moment, cryues the great takes over. now according to the bible, this hand is God, and the story according to the bible, which is above, is exactly the same as the scrolls found that tell the SAME story just they dont know the hand is God, and archeology has proven they are real. so how would an athiest take on a story like this? Thanks!