{ america the beautiful }
they call america great. home sweet home. they don’t know. they don’t know the real her. a corrupt and greedy country run by even worse officials is what she is. a country founded on the basic freedoms of people, yet they ban the right to speak your mind. a paradox. a rotten apple. a facade of true beauty envelopes the evil within, adulterating the minds of new generations.
they call america great. a land of 'opportunity'. were the native americans given 'opportunities'? were the slaves given 'opportunities? hell, even today are we given 'opportunities'? education is an intelligent way to make money. jobs are a better way to increase the power of the government. what 'opportunities' have we been given that were meant for the people and only the people? the correct answer is none. exactly none.
they call america great. the land that i love. what is that? a land of teenage pregnancies, drug lords, gang wars, and obesity, or a land of peace, greenful country. the former describes america, the latter describes a world deviod of mundanes. they call america great. beautiful, even. they don’t know her. the real her. and nobody ever will.