Are you Happy?
Tackling happy is tough- it’s a big word.
Get specific. Besides who, what, when, where,
why is this feeling different than your normal?
Is it exciting, or maybe scary? Is it something that’s never happened before, or is it a repeat performance? How intense does it feel? Like getting a Kahoot answer right, placing first, like nailing a recipe, or like water will drip from your eyes?
Are you really happy? Or is that just what you expect happy to be like? Are you happy or are you just okay? How long can you stay that way?
Figure that out, keep it in mind, and then think of this:
Personify what is making you happy. They believe the opposite of what you feel, and it’s up to you to convince them otherwise.
I call my wife every night since we’re pretty much long distance. Our schedules are staggered, but I always call when they’re allowed to. We like to call before bedtime, and because of my wife’s job, they tend to fall asleep first while I stay up to catch up on work. I can’t sleep unless I hear my wife snoring and sleeptalking.
Long distance is hard, of course, but we’re so close yet so far away. My parents are controlling and they don’t know about us. They’re always controlled by work training and rules and regulations. We make it work, but if it weren’t for the internet... Time apart really wrenches the heart. We see each other maybe three times a year, and I always look forward to the next time I’ll be able to hear their snoring live, in 4D.
My wife and I have very different attachment styles. I can be satisfied with just hearing their snoring for a couple hours, whereas they would rather spend every waking moment of life with me, doing all our shenanigans, without worrying about work, family, or the other shit that gets in between us.
I never should have told them I have been conditioned to only fall asleep to the sound of their snoring and room noise. Ever since I told them that, they roll their eyes in insecurity when I joke about it or tease them about it. I tell them because it's endearing, and it's cute to me, even if they don't think so.