Her Dad’s Last Phone Call
"I miss you, Daddy! When are you comin' home?"
"Soon, Emily, I'll be home soon. Please, don't worry."
"I'm not worried!"
"Okay, my little M&M. How's Mom? Is there anything she's not telling me?"
"She's worried, Daddy. I can see it."
"I know, honey. It's just...complicated. Are you being good though? Helping out?"
"Yes! Today, I helped Mom with the dishes! And, after, we got ice cream!"
"Your day sounds better than mine."
"But aren't you in that desert place? Af, Af-gan-stand?"
"It's Afghanistan silly, but yes. It's a desert, but not very much fun. And before you ask-there's no tumbleweeds, I already looked for you."
"Aww, why not? I wanted one."
"Hey, sorry, Emily, but Daddy has to go. The other guys need a turn on the phone. I'll talk to you soon though, tell Mom I'll call her as soon as I can."
"Okay, Daddy, I miss you."
"One last thing, M&M."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Daddy. Can you please hurry home? Mom looks really sad."
"I promise."