Count your blessings
There is a tendency to see only the negative in our lives, especially when there seems to be an overwhelming amount of reasons to be so this year. Take a moment to think about the good in your life, the things for which you are grateful. You may surprise yourself...I hope you surprise yourself. Prose or poetry - nonfiction, please.
Today’s Blessings
Today I am thankful for many things, including these:
- God.
- a day with my wife and kids.
- My dog and pet rats.
- an evening of scaring people at my haunted house job tonight.
- Getting the new My Hero Academia movie in the mail today.
- This Prose writing challenge I am participating in right now.
- Hot green tea with raw honey - great after a night of screaming at the haunted house.
- Wendy's online ordering interface, and having a gift card from a student to get Wendy's food with.
- You for reading this.
- Many more things, but these are the ones on my mind in the moment.