let me tell you A story of a man who owns a Big bakery of poetry,
It's a very beautiful bakery and he renders the best serviCes,
his minD is thE oven and it is heated by the most amazing words you never heard beFore,
he alone bakes the words without the help of anyone,
he serves his customers' intelliGence and the trutH,
and he doesn't charge for his works, everything he does is for free because his words are worth much than any thIng money can get you,
his bakery might be very young but the words that come out his oven are as old-time,
the wisdom in these words are like those in king Solomon"s mind,
his mind isn't Just an oven, its also the greatest search engine,
the answers anyone seeks are liKe soLdiers in his Mind waitiNg tO fight a war against ignorance and disbelieve,
he uses utensils of wit, flour of knowledge, the yeast of understanding and baking Pans of love,
and when he's done, it becomes the sweetest food of thought,
the produce of his bakery is so good and amazing,
that presidents, governors, kings and Queens all come from far away lands to have a taste of it,
he is a prophet and his apRon is his regalia, an angel without a halo on thiS head,
The bakery is his sanctUary, edifying others is all he wants, he is a hero without a cape, an epiphany for eVeryone is his business,
He's the chef of simile, a steWard of metaphors, a baker of oXymoron and irony,
everything about his bakerY is astonishing but what's intriguing about this baker is his Zeal.