The Price to Pay
It’s rumored the universe is constructed of infinite dimensions. Each sliver delineated as a color-tone split from a prism. Some dimensions have red oceans and yellow mountains. Other dimensions have silver wraith silhouette-people navigating turquoise gondolas. Another dimension said defined with stark, black and white contrasts garnished with orchid-purple clouds. Every dimension is different, vibrantly different, shockingly different. The universe doesn’t measure time, it warps time. Myth and legend tell of travelers that surf between the prism rays, bursting forth into infinite alternate universes. Try it yourself. Go sailing on a boiling sea or souvenir shop at a kaleidoscope bazar. Base jump off a volcano erupting diamond lava. See other beings, unusual entities doing the same thing- they’re only slightly different from you. Begin the dare, but beware, the journey is a once-in-a-lifetime, one-way-ticket. You can't bring anything you see back with you to show your friends and family. You can’t use anything you’ve learned to become rich and famous. And once embarked, you won't be able to come back to the same dimension you started from. Your mind will have changed, been indelibly irradiated with secrets from all the other alternative dimensions. It's a small price to pay for immortality- wouldn't you say?
#fiction #fabulist #sci-fi #flashfiction #alternatedimensions #williamcalkins