What does it mean?
This was a question I had never asked myself. I had to think for a while to really understand it. To me writing is story telling., but that really isn’t what it is.
Writing is a form of expression, in a similar way to speaking. writing can be used to communicate, to vent emotions that you don’t want anybody else to see, or to write down something you want to remember for later. Being a good writer however, that was an entirely new thought.
Good writing can bring you to a whole other world. A well written character pulls at your heart strings, you smile when you see a well written article about children planting trees.
What does good writing mean? What does it mean to us? What does it matter? Good writing helps us make an emotional connection to the subject we are reading about. Good writing helps us identify with parts of ourselves we like to hide. Good writing brings us that much closer to something we can only dream of.
Good writing should matter, because it means something. Even if we don’t see it, good writing helps us in ways us readers can’t get enough of. Good writing means hope, love, heart break, compassion, and so much more.