talking to myself
There’s this urge in me to stand on rooftops and wail my insecurities
and make it so the world can see just how miserable my mind can make me
sometimes I want to tell each person that I care about why I don’t deserve them
and make it known the problems that I have with how we interact
and I often force the issue letting my mind bleed all over the place
spattering the once clean tapestry of how I know a person
with little bits of paranoia and self-loathing
which sometimes dye the fabric in ways that can’t be changed
(despite the fact that it seems to make things a little bit more interesting)
because what I sometimes deem as honesty
might actually be toxicity, wherein I am self-sabotaging
because I am not satisfied and I want to make that known.
It makes me feel so frustrated sometimes
because it feels good (in ways) to act this way
to force vulnerability and stretch relationships like putty
so that a person sees exactly what I want them to see in me
as if their understanding could in some way be healing
even though I’m not too sure these days that I need to be repaired
it feels nice to know that if I make it so, someone will care
about the things in me that everybody on earth goes through
that I might feel a little less alone, to me, that’s comfort.
It’s a lot of work to see life as one constant opportunity
cuz the way I want to make decisions does not come to me naturally
and I get caught in being far more open then accepting
and the complex spider-webby spiral that ensues is overwhelming
cuz I’ve always taken each and every thought I’ve noticed seriously
and wrapped the way I think into what I called my identity
and now I no longer want to live my life in that way
so the times in which I notice that I’m doing that are frustrating
which if I don’t respond to that feeling in a way that makes it useful
all it does is fuel the fire as more data on my actions
I’m aware of this, it’s just hard to contend with sometimes.
I think I think too much about the way I think my thoughts are.