No, I will not make you cry. I have been crying far too often, and I do not want anyone to share that feeling. Believe it or not, I love you. Yes you, specifically, even though I do not know who you are. I love you because of the way you love other people, and the way you want the world to heal. I want you to cry some happy tears, let out the emotion that has been bottled in one sigh of relief. You are okay, you are safe, and you are happy. Choose to write a book. Choose to take a nap. Choose to indulge in the silly little things that make you happy and do not give it another thought. This is your life and you are not obliged to live it the way others want you to. It is okay if you don’t feel happy, but you are. I know in my heart that you can feel the fur of soft animals, taste the beautiful offspring of a days worth of cooking, and smell the sweetness of a Yankee candle store. I know you can feel.