What do you want to be and tell me why you want to be it
I'm pretty lost as I just dropped out of a bad college program and I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself. I want to hear your aspirations so maybe I can be inspired. This will also give you a great oppurtunity for self-reflection
Unsubstantiated Ambitions
I want to be dead. (Or more correctly, undead)
My dream is to be a ghost, to roam some house, or wood through eternal night, brandishing my distressed soul to any who might wander too close.
I have lived my whole life with the sole purpose of being the best dead person I can be.
I have studied Crowley, and read Poe. I have listened to Ozzy, and admired Van Gogh. Like Johnny Cash, I only wear black. I have visited cemeteries, slept in empty caskets, and attended the funerals of people I never even knew. I took “Mortuary Sciences 101” in college, for criminy’s sake!
If there is anyone more ready to be dead than I am, I hope the son-of-gun chokes. He probably deserves it!