How’s this for silly...
Annie said: "An' 'ee pushed 'er off a cliff"!
Beanca asked me to be her anchor
Carly drove her car into Lee the other day!
Debbie stop being a downer!
Everlyn promised me forever Lynn!
Frank was very frank with us today
Grace make sure you say grace
Hayden, don't forget to say hey to Den
Ivy, that girl is poison
Jay isn't a person he's a letter
Katy's favourite letters are K and T
Luke was lukewarm yesterday
Maddie was so mad at me yesterday
Nancy said: "Nan, see"? "I told you we could do it"!
Octavia's voice went up a whole octave just then!
Parise went to Paris and decided to make it her home :)
Quay ate some Quavers, and Was happy
Rhidian got rid of Ian, and he was so hlad
Sophie will sow for a small fee
Tracey traced the letter E with just one finger
victoria always had the victory over him
Will wrote a will last night
(U X Y and Z were hard so I Just left them lol :))