Above all else, first came God,
to create all things.
What followed is our history.
Adam, Eve, Able, Cain, Noah,
Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon,
Ruth, Job, the Israelites,
the Moabites, Muslims, Moslems,
Egyptians, and other tribes who roamed.
It was their children,
the children of their children,
who brought us into another time,
another place where strife took hold,
and caused the world more suffering.
Then came Simon who became Peter,
Andrew, Peter’s brother,
James, John, and Phillip,
Matthew, Thomas, and Bartholomew,
James, son of Alphaeus,
Simon the Zealot,
Thaddaeus, son of James,
and Judas Iscariot.
Disciples found, were taught the Scriptures.
All followed one softly spoken man,
loved and adored by many,
brought into this world by Joseph,
and his mother … Mary.
That man’s name—Jesus,
the Son of God.
He healed the sick, the infirmed,
the deaf, the blind,
resurrected the dead.
He fed thousands from two baskets.
But he posed a threat to old ideas.
Old beliefs that refused to change,
until it became almost too late.
Priests conspired with Pontius Pilate,
and on a day of injustice to the world,
Barabbas walked free,
while two thieves hung in waiting.
And that one cross hung heavy in the air
as Jesus hung his head one last time,
just after he spoke his final words:
“Forgive them Father, for they know not what
They do. I commend my soul into your hands.”
It was his name, Jesus Christ,
that made the greatest difference in the Bible.
And his disciples?
They went far and wide,
teaching what Jesus gave them,
and one by one,
they were prosecuted, put to death.
John wrote of Revelations,
but he too also died,
for like the others,
he loved Jesus so.
Of them all,
Judas became a household word: traitor.
But perhaps, even moments before he died,
it is suspected he asked for forgiveness,
and it was given.
No sin so great or so small
can be forgiven unless you ask Jesus,
in his Holy Name,
to release you from your sin.
Through the Father,
through Jesus,
the chains shall he break,
your oppression will wither,
blown away as dust would in a wind,
and your soul, cleansed.
They follow us everywhere.