Happy to share the good news...
A member of our Prose community has been published! He did not take it upon himself to self promote. I came across the link to his long short story in the comments section. Once I started reading Lookout Mountain, I was blown away, tears streaming down my face at the conclusion. So as a proud prose Mamma bear, I would like to share the who, what and where with you all, since I know you will join me in celebrating his success!
Author, M. F. Robinson @Mfrobs
Link, https://thewritelaunch.com/2020/07/lookout-mountain/
The story takes place in Tennessee during the civil war. I am a fan of historical fiction, but I tend to avoid reading military subject matter. After reading Lookout Mountain, I've drawn a conclusion that my bias was foolish. The story draws the reader into the perils of war with an opening scene about amputation that sets up a tone of empathy for a Union Private, Ephraim Prometheus Boone, a Confederate soldier called Asher, and a bullmastiff named Abe. The imagery in the scene was so powerful it made me feel as if I could have been subjected to having the chloroform-soaked rag placed over my face. At the end of the chaotic scene, he writes,
"Asher and Boone came out of drowsiness and opened their eyes and their vision was blurred, and they departed and they would meet again."
As I read on, I could only conclude that no matter the conflict, no matter the side, the life of a soldier and even the innocence surrounding them will be faced with the hardships of the terrain, inclement weather, hunger, poor clothing, even boredom between battles and ultimately the threat of injury and possibly death. M. F. Robinson paints this story masterfully.
Allow me to share a couple of passages:
"They opened the flap of the tent and Samuel was sitting Indian style in his undershirt and in no light. In the dark he seemed demented. His head had been shaved by his own hands and knitted in spots were strands where he could not see or scissor. A thin mustache cast against speckled whiskers and red cuts on his cheek, holding always a strayed stare brushed by the strokes of a Reubens painting. Almost unable to blink, sight and soul paralyzed and damned."
"Then the moon passed through the shadow of earth and glowed red as a possessed deity risen in the night watching over all and passed over beyond its shadow revealing slowly the slender constellation of a snake beckoning the tongue of God."
Bravo @MFrobs!!!