I titled this appropriately.
Now come on. The movie Ghost was this very theme I do believe.
Are you trying to see if a Proser will create an even more compelling example of the moral issues introduced in Ghost?
I would stop but you have a three hundred word count requirement.
From my experience on this platform, I've noticed that many of the challenges are "mind picking." Examples: "Tell me about yourself in fifteen words," What is Hell like?" "You are dead and still giving a fuck about insignificant details?" "Here is a challenge and at the end put in all your personal might win!"
Wow, I have to write two hundred more words. OK. So to stay on the subject, I'll preface it with this: Some websites appear to be "open" and encourage expression. They may be a spy to show the Chinese how we feel, what we are writing about. Just digest that in your mind that this could be a possibility. For me this is a reality. The CCP has bought out targeted game changers. On the flip side, why not let them read! Let them hear our thoughts. We must be prudent. I repeat, we must be prudent.
OK, about a hundred more words: America. The United States of America, was born because the people were not going to put up with bullshit. They protested and it turned to a bloody fight. We defeted England and quickly became thirteen colonies. That is the flag with the circle of stars.
Our government was initially formed by war heros who fought hardest against England's unfair rules. There you have George Washington. He was like General Flynn. George Washington was the first American President.
OK. about fifteen more words to enter the challenge:
I bet this write is not in the internet feed.