Ebb and Flow
I wish someone would have told me
When I was young like you
That life is going to ebb and flow
No matter what you do
There will be times when all goes well
Like the pain is going to end
But then it all comes crashing down
And you question life again
It starts a mere annoyance
Still possessing a little light
But then it becomes an aching pain
And you lose the will to fight
You will sit here in this sadness
So tired, lost and alone
Looking for the answers
Longing to go home
But when you realize that its not your time
That you have a purpose here
The foundation soon begins to shift
A universal energy is near
There is a spark inside you
That's longing to escape
And when it does, we'll feel your soul
The walls begin to shake
We all ebb and we all flow
Life is beautiful, you see
You will make a difference
And that will set you free
@asterick Write on.