Fleeing Love
Like liquid coffee smell pouring
With fanciful flare,
Hazelnut or French Vanilla-
Hardly matters, entropy electric,
Buzz of laboring bees each confiding
On old sassy gravity-
Dazing dancers spread
Shallow sparks zapping
Mental confetti murals.
Like checkered tiles
For the Captain’s ball,
As hi hats bounce and echo
Night’s melody, slowly
We meet and depart,
Strangers we are
Seeking a final trial
To reclaim each tie
We cut from those closest to us.
Like the end of a great film
Or show- more, more, more!
Encore or not the curtains
Have shut the mouth of theatrical
Wormholes we will never confront
Because ultimately fantasies will never impale
The true killer of each dream and existential calamity.
It sinks as a final note from a playful piano,
Forever taunting until released.