Love is
A “Have a good day! I love you!” text during a busy day,
A big, long, warm hug from a person with a big heart and smile,
A soft kiss from a lover,
A hand held out to help without being asked,
Asking about your mental health,
Asking if you have eaten today,
Telling you to buckle up when we are in a car,
Holding hands without talking,
Two hands on the face,
A kiss on the forehead,
A homemade meal,
A blanket being placed over you while you sleep,
Your favorite show playing without your request,
The tender moments between you and your dog,
The sweet moments between you and your child,
The heart-warming moments between you and your family,
The touching moments between you and your significant other.
Love is knowing and respecting yourself and your boundaries,
Knowing your worth and your gift,
Wanting to give, and needing to help.
Love is what we all, deep down, hope we have so genuinely.
Love is what we all wish we could do.
Love is hard for people who have never experienced it.
But, it is never too late to learn how to love.