Thank You
As the clock ticks on, pumped to announce the break of a new year, I am just relieved to be able to come and write again, after having to take a few days off. It was only two or three days, but I realized that it is pretty depressing to just read and not write.
That is besides the point, though. And I’m going to sidetrack myself again, just to leave a small message first.
I know that in many ways 2020 has been a horrible year for a lot of people. For me, too, it has been a little bit too tough. Yet, I sit here and I realize that I don’t regret this past year, I don’t hate it; actually, it feels like one of the best years I’ve ever had.
Crazy, right? I mean, we are in the middle of a pandemic! But, I haven’t minded the lockdowns; sitting at home is what I do on a regular basis, so this was nothing new. I am well-taken care of, and so, I had lack of nothing this past year.
I’m just terribly blessed. Even when I don’t always see it in those dark times.
This year has opened my eyes to see the blessings I have. And I hope that 2021 will open my eyes even more.
Speaking of blessings, I quickly want to take the time to thank a few people here on Prose.
First of all, I’d like to give a big shout-out to Chacko_Stephen.
Buddy, you have been such an awesome support very early on in my time here. You not only read my work, but also give such awesome comments that leave me pumped and ready to crank out another good work.
You are always supporting my work, no matter what I write. Fantasy, Romance, Poetry, a little Horror, etc., you check on it and leave your thoughts. Thanks for that!
You have an awesome touch to your own work, and I really love reading what you publish!
You’ve got a good heart and an inquiring mind; never lose that! Stay young and true to yourself!
Now, Mnezz:
You have also been quite supportive to me. When I wrote my novella-thing, you read through it and supported my writing. I know that I can tag you, and not only will you read the work, but you will also leave such a sweet comment.
I want to thank you for that! ♥
As is the case with Mnezz, you read my novella-piece and gave me some good pointers. I really took away the whole, “Visual Imagery, Character Distinction, and Copyright” pointers from you.
I like to think that my description is improving, and I have to thank you for that!
Also, your love of history and your history posts have been very entertaining and informational to me; I like to learn from what you have to say, even if I disagree on evolution (you still wrote a good post on it, though!).
You write such beautiful works, and it’s a delight to read your writing!
But, I want to thank you for the times that you took some time out of your day to read my work and leave a like or comment.
Thank you very much! ♥
Couldn’t forget about you, kid.
Honestly, you are supporting me not just in my writing, but also in life. And I want to thank you for that. I know I’m not always appreciative, and I’m real difficult sometimes, but thanks for being the awesomest of friends.
And I could keep on talking about you for hours, but I will keep that for later on. :-D
And now, Danceinsilence:
Dance, you have really been just a great positive light in my life. The way you boost me to look for the light switch in life, and how freely I can speak to you about anything I wish.
You are supportive, a great mentor, and just an awesome writer!
I also love that you always take some time to thank people for their likes and reposts, and not just to reply back to their comments. Those thank you's of yours, just for a like and repost, leave me with a smile and an ever-grateful heart.
You have a positive outlook on life, and you are just a great encouragement to me. It’s actually very hard for me to explain what your comments and messages mean to me. The small quirks that leave me smiling, and the fun conversations that we can have.
Thank you, Bill...for being a friend.
Oh, and before I end this up, I also have to thank booklover_2020 for being a friend to me. New to Prose, but has been a really awesome friend to me for the past year or so. And I am truly grateful for that!
* * * * *
The year forward seems to be a little depressing to me. Then again, I forgot to flick on the light switch, and I don’t have any flashlights.
But, with such support and amazing friendships, I feel more ready to take on this new year.
I hope you all have a blessed year ahead; no matter the struggles that will be on your road.