My best life
“Life is an obstacle, it challenges your will to live and to do what is right.”
- My dad
If I could live my ideal life without any obstacles it would be great, I would be great, but I also wouldn’t be the person I am now. I would be weak and wouldn’t know how to face pain and hurt, I wouldn’t be as smart as I am from reading books, but if I had the chance I would change the world for the better. I would help everyone see the good that we bring and how the person beside you could be your best friend in another life.
In every fight, country to country, government to government, friend to friend, I would intervene. I would stand where I could be seen and speak from the heart.
“Fighting isn’t the answer, it only makes us weaker, unable to stand up and fight the real enemy, the one that eats away at us each time we battle another. The person you're arguing with could be your best friend in another life. They could be the man who saves your life tomorrow or the person who brings comfort when you are hurt, internally or externally. They could like the same things as you, but will you know if you keep avoiding their gaze and using words that hurt more than a punch?”
I would change the world and money wouldn’t mean a thing to me but I would have tons of it, from writing books to send people to other places far away from their troubles, to curing animals harmed by violence when people go too far.
My house would have books at every turn, filled with magic and animals. I would own horses, beautiful steeds just like those inside of the books and my parents would live until they were ripe and aged and would get to die peacefully in their bed one night. My family would all live within twenty minutes of riding a horse or bicycle.
My house would be huge, big enough to fit my closest friends and family and protect them. It would be made of wood but trees would be all around, providing shade and comfort. In the summer evenings I would sit under one of those magnificent trees, a horse grazing beside me, and a book in my hand, filled with kings and queens.
World hunger would end and everyone would have a home. I would be able to walk through the woods late at night and not be afraid because everyone would get along and hold no grudges.
-This world seems impossibly far away, especially with what the world is like now but I believe I could have a positive effect on life if I had the chance to gain a stage and not be afraid. Everyday I come up with different speeches, to change the minds of people. Everyone is put on earth for a reason we just have to find that reason and not be afraid to follow the path we chose when we find the beginning of that path into the woods.-