Love is a funny thing
People tell you that love means
to give yourself to others
regardless of how you feel or
whether they deserve it
Love is unconditional
It’s not dependent on your opinion
Well, people would be right except...
backup for a minute
’Cause how can you truly love others
when you don’t even love yourself?
How can you give your love away
when you haven’t found it yet?
Love starts
Only once you have fully grasped
the wonder of the glorious
divinely-wrought creature
that is you
can you start to see the wonder
of your human brothers and sisters
Only once you know how
worthy of love
you are
will you know the
innate worth of every
living creature
Love is unconditional, yes
bestowed without regard for
feelings or fairness or
“do they deserve it or not”
Sometimes it’s hard,
but we do it, because it’s not about
their actions, it’s about
who they are to us
Then, why do we so easily
forget that
those rules also apply to