Make me cry
Write something to make me cry. It can be poetry or prose. Tag me!
Cry Baby, Cry
I tell you true,
something you were afraid you already knew,
but the truth of the matter,
like an exaggerated mad-hatter,
I no longer am in love with you.
You can quiver, tremble, even shake,
those tears of yours are truly fake,
just like all those nights
that led to days,
you were the one to instigate,
this harrowing feeling of hate I fully sate.
You lied,
you cheated,
you made me such the fool,
I felt berated, as if I were back in school,
yet I remembered the golden rule;
the one that you forgot,
love with all your heart.
Now I walk away,
no longer caring about this
or any other day.
You can shed tears for years,
matters not to me.
You destroyed my heart and soul,
so sit there and have your pity party,
I will be searching for new people, new places to go.