JUMBLE TONGUE #2 -- "Trains" is our topic, so could be reading on a train, buying a ticket for a train, looking out the window of a train, or watching a train roll by and so on. Example: "metal-screamer" could be jumble tongue for "train" and "learning the paper-bound" could be jumble tongue for "reading the book"... be creative, have fun, and as before, another_proser will read and try to translate!
I Left You
I left you waiting for the train…
Your shirt, wrinkled in troubled sleep.
We drank;
You, from the watershed of my soul.
Your face in candlelight
Tales of your father
Turmoil, rage, unconditional love.
I loved you in that instant.
Single moments passed.
I left you waiting for the train
And then it rained.
I lost you.
Speeding down the tracks
Rocking in and out of your repose.
In my fitful daylight sleep
Reclaiming myself,
I listened to the rain and
Heard the train.