he stretched his lips
far past the edges of his face,
corners of his mouth
out wide in space,
revealing rows of teeth.
he smiled,
a smile too big for words.
people thought him a clown,
they teased and ridiculed.
through it all, he
never let his lips slip.
he smiled.
he smiled when he
brushed his teeth,
and smiled when
he went to the store.
he even smiled when
the other kids
knocked him to the floor.
through it all,
he smiled.
and yet the more he grinned
the less he knew of
what it meant to be
so even when he died
he was buried with a smile.
and though the
rest of him decayed,
his smile got to stay.
a reminder of the face
he wore to hide his pain.
a reminder that just because
he smiled,
doesn't mean he was happy.
through it all,
he smiled.
but none of that matters
when your bones crumble.
and eventually,
his grin may decay,
but for now,
the smile will stay.
a reminder.
always a reminder.