19,484 Days
How do you accept and deal with the loss of someone?
How do you put that into words?
How do you explain the pain in your chest?
How do you comfort someone who just lost a mother, a wife?
There is no comfort that could make up for that loss.
So i guess the only way to get through it is to breathe one breath at a time until that pain in your chest fades and the memories are no longer painful.
One sits trying to find the words to convey loss
Distance, amount of words or time means nothing now.
Agony suffocates you with the knowledge that life has faded.
But pain is the way you know you loved, and loved deeply.
It's better to feel raw and broken on the inside,
then to feel nothing because you never knew love.
It's better to feel sick with despair,
then be unaffected by death.
It's better to miss that love and affection,
then to never have felt it
It's better to remember someone,
then to never have known them at all.
We suffer for a time,
We shed tears together,
We bond through our memories
We drink to our sorrows
We grieve and we wallow
All as proof that someone so wonderful had touched our lives for any amount of time.
We love. We care. We remember
And we all hope and pray to something that they may feel no pain and find comfort and that they are truly now resting in peace.
October 21, 1962 - February 24, 2016
19,484 days you knew love,
you were taken from us too soon.