’Twas gelid,
And the ships did sway to & fro.
All pangs of guilt seemed not to gnaw,
And the gods were full of so much rage.
“Beware the ships that roll in from the sea, my son!
The artillery that fire, the men that ire!
Beware the sheqels of silver, and sist The Fraudulent Behavior!”
Take time to put in more acts of good Service; Long moments of battles need To remain in the past & a need to Seek~Something else, a way of living And start with a new way of Thriving.
And, as only time will surely tell,
How things will go from here, there And in all communities of this nation
With folks having hope for a brighter & better present, tomorrow and future!
This way! That way! All working Together peacefully!
Sharing new ideas, thoughts and inventions.
“And what about the cry of voices Calling out every night & day?
Listen to the sound of people crying Out. O, Justice! Love! Unity!” Exclaimed in all communities.
’Twas gelid,
And the ships did sway to & fro.
All pangs of guilt seemed not to gnaw,
And the gods were full of so much rage.
9th Feb., 2021.