Dear Father in Heaven,
I want to begin this letter by saying “Thank You.” Thank You for making me special; for loving me and accepting me the way (and for who) I am even when nobody else does. Thank you for the family and pets You have given me, for the past 16 years of life, and for keeping me healthy and strong. Thank You for salvation through the sacrifice of Your only Son, Yeshua Jesus, and for the pouring out of Your Holy Spirit.
I know that my life hasn’t been easy – I’ve been hurt, offended, and backstabbed – but life isn’t easy; on the contrary, life is dangerous, hard, and painful. I thank You for the good times, but I equally give You thanks for the hard times as well – they help build my faith, trust, boldness, courage, and character. I know that I need to keep fighting the good fight of faith – persevere through the hard times. A warrior isn’t called a warrior without properly gaining the title. Thank You for the crown of glory that You promise all those of (Your people) who persevere.
I wish that I could hug You, Abba, but I know that I must wait ’till You call me home with You. In the meantime, help me live a life that pleases You. I will do anything just to hear You say “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” when You welcome me home.
With Love,
Janellie Yahkeved Galecki