Interview with a Body
what does it feel like to live in my body?
it feels raw and skeletal
a breaking of the bones
into meatless particles
what do I carry in my heart?
cigarette butts, irony, wrong interpretations of words
that haven’t been said yet
what does the world look like through my eyes?
a poem that needs to be redone
with a pen knife of love
how does it feel to look in the mirror?
I draw my initials in shower steam
and hope for someone to save me
what does it feel to take up space as me?
I press ‘delete’ over and over
a button that works on the keyboard
but not when you love someone
do I have back pain?
certainly, I’m thirty, don’t I look like it
through the screen?
what is it like to take a step in my shoes?
it’s watching eye movement
needing to be loved
a torture device
for the abused