Pain to me is watching the world we live in fall into pieces. We live here yet we fight over things, things that don't need to be fought over. There is a lot less respect these days, which everyone should have. Even though we disagree, have different thoughts, do different things, live differently, doesn't mean that we can't respect the one beside us. We have started looking at humans as what they do, how the act. We don't look and see what makes them HUMAN any more! Think of someone you don't like, what do you think about? YES, THE ROBOTIC THINGS THEY DO, THE WAY THEY ACT! But what you don't see, hardly anyone sees anymore, except those lucky few who want to change the world, you don't see what they are really like. Change your mindset, wonder instead, "they are human, they probably have loved ones just like you, who they would do anything for, maybe late at night they walk into their youngest daughters room and give them a kiss goodnight. Maybe they think, "All I want is for everyone to see the world the same way, so my children can be safe." But then the next day and the next they go to work for take care of their family yet your dislike for them fuels something more, making them more miserable and miserable until they can hardly eat or sleep. That is what my pain feels like. I watch and I see and I know that this world will keep changing yet I know it will never be perfect because we have so many different and awesome people in this country who all do different things, believe in different things. Some might think of pain as a prick in the elbow but deep down inside how do you want the world to turn out? Do you want to continue to dislike your nextdoor neighbor for not fixing their fence and letting their dogs get into your yard and ruin things? Maybe they don't have the money to fix the gates, maybe they are too sick to stop their jobs. Maybe SOMEONE MADE THEM TOO DEPRESSED TO DO ANYTHING. Fix the fence instead, do something nice for them, it is your fence too if it borders your yard. Pain is harsh and pain is cruel but there will be less of it if we can all agree more. It can also fix the physical pain. You fix the fence for your neighbor, their dogs don't get cut on the sharp edges, you pick up your trash instead of throwing it into someone else's yard as you drive by, so their kids dont fall on it and get hurt or dirty, you leave a gift for your sick friend during christmas so they don't stay in the hospital wasting away. Do something nice, think of the person beside you as a HUMAN not a ROBOT.