Goat milk and random acts of kindness
As I was biking home from cross country practice today, I stopped at the store to get some goat milk. I am forever disorganized and didn't know that I had enough change, so I told the cashier I'd check.
Surprise, I did not.
I was about to go put it back when the lady packing up her groceries in front of me turned around and said she'd pay for it. I thanked her for the offer, and reassured her that my house was close by and I could just go home and get more money.
"I'll get it for you. People do nice things for me."
So she bought my milk. I thanked her and thanked her while the amused cashier added it to her card. I took my milk, thanked her again for good measure, and told her I'd pass on the nice things.
So, random strangers, if an awkward, friendly teenager with a messy braid and dressed in many layers of clothing tries to do something nice for you, you can thank the lady who bought her goat milk ;)