and did sappho?
ever watch the love of her life laugh from across space and time / and feel fresh, greener than grass - not for jealousy nor for pain - but for love, lust, and a little bit of death / le petit mort, if you will / and a subtle fire races beneath my skin /
ever cast a love spell of the mind and fall in love at first sight - with the girl in line at the grocery store - deathless aphrodite on your dazzling throne - put your words into my mouth so that i may feel them on my lips / and have something to give /
ever marvel at the beauty of the earth - the beauty of she who grows (like a dewy rose) from the earth / she who surpasses all the stars - rivals the goddesses in lovely form - or rather, she who is a goddess, but one you can touch /
ever wonder about things like sex and love and gender and the ever-expanding human experience / because sweet mother, i cannot weave - slender aphrodite has overcome me with longing for that girl (or was it boy?) perhaps -
ever hope that the words she wrote would eclipse the limits of papyrus / dream of a thousand universes filled with a thousand futures? because someone i tell you, in another time, will remember us - immortals, like the gods /
ever hold her sexuality close to her chest / like girls she might've loved / like the sweet apple which reddens upon the topmost bough - precious while it lasts, loved until it is ground away / until the purple blossom is trodden in the ground -
this is not the end of our stories.