questioning time xoxo
girl sees rainbows in motor oil. no one sees rainbows in the girl.
she is a dilation, a negation, of her anatomy. girl kisses the webbing
between her fingers, pretending to meet the lips of the faceless entity
of female. girl wields a two-pronged caduceus, walking the tightrope
of identity. she clips her nails too short and relishes in the striking brine
of it all. the metamorphosing heart of this girl reverberates, molten, in
her chest in the presence of men. the crease of her lips softens, folding
upward, dragging lip tint into her cheeks in the presence of women. girl
fluctuates. girl hydrates, sucking on paper straws like ambrosia, swooning
when she sees the girl working the drive-thru. girl doesn’t know if she is
jealous or smitten. she sketches a charcoal drawing of herself as atlas, holding
up the sky as iris takes her sweet time deciding whether to prism. girl is
weak against a slab of stone, but strong enough to keep going. a titan, yet
flattened nonetheless.