my happy little chaos
I wake up early. I never intend to, but I always do. When I wake, I make coffee everday. Usually two cups is all takes to get my day started.
I like to drink my coffee outside if I can, no matter the weather. I'm always tired, especially in the mornings because I go to sleep late.
Sometimes I think I'm a little mad. My day usually runs around 18-20 hours awake and 4-6 asleep, if I'm lucky. Some call that productive, but I call it insomnia.
When it rains, my ankle hurts. Only the left one. It's a leftover ache from years of playing sports as a kid. The doctor says it's arthritis.
I'm always late and I hate it. I wake up early, having all this time, and I always end up rushing around at the last minute. I don't know why I do that.
Most days, my favorite times of the day are when I'm driving by myself. I'd say I like the quiet because I live with two roommates and have a loud family, but that would be a lie. I blast music everytime I am alone in the car. I think I just like being alone.
I am busy, all the time. Not because I have such a busy life. I'm in college, but I'm single, I don't have a family to take care of, and I have few obligations. But, somehow I am always busy. It's mostly because I don't like being still for too long.
My days are fillled rushing from one place to another clutching a coffee in my hand, with dark circles under my eyes, and loud music playing in my car. And that chaos, it makes me happy.
When I come home in the evenings, exhausted and a little cranky from caffeine withdrawal, I see my roommates who are my best friends. We get dinner and watch some stupid show on TV and all laugh about something goofy one of us did that day. And, I'm happy.