The Dean of Demigods
"My Demons Comfort me"
"When your weak and remorseful?" "Post meek and adorable" "Deplorable to stoop so low" "To stick and move solo" "Leave no loose ends"
"Is that so?"
"No we love it. You big dope. You know we’re here to help you cope. Or walk you to the rope. We say nope to nothing nefarious and as long as you do. You have our thanks for taking good care of us"
"I’ve prepared some snares. To foul up a few merry. Is mankind to bear nothing tonight that’s found scary? I can’t let my children off the hook can I?"
"Beelzebub you big lug. We should slap you. Instead we’ll hug you. And just in case your not joshing us around, slip you a Mickey and drug you. And get the dirty work started at.........."
He Loves Lucifer University