a letter to my soulmate
My love,
There aren't words to express how much you mean to me. Life would be empty, joyless without you. You fill me up, you give me life. Your humility, your modesty, the way you support everyone else and step back, letting others have the spotlight. Well, let me tell you something, honey - you're the star of the show every damn time. You are complex, you are infinite, and I love each and every part of you. I love you when you're soft and when you're tough, when you're warm and when you're cold, when you're sweet, sour, or downright cross (for the record, I still think you're pretty sweet when you're cross with me). You look beautiful when you're pale, tan, plump, thin, covered in spots.... my dear, you look lovely always. You are timeless, you are beloved, you are a treasure. If there is a God, you are the best thing they have ever made. Everything pales in comparison to you; when you're there, I can look at nothing but you. Given the choice between you and the world, I'm choosing you every single time without question. The word 'love' does not do justice to my feelings for you. I am grateful, grateful, grateful you exist, and I thank my lucky stars that you love me back. You're there for me, you take care of me. Every time you call me your butter, I melt. I will use this life, these hands, to bring life and love to you as best I can. My body and soul are yours. My dearest, my darling, my beloved Bread. I am yours.
All my love,