Travelers Beware
Please take caution before entering my mind. There is no roadmap or guide to lead you through the maze. And I'm afraid I cannot help you either, for I got lost among the tangled weeds of my mind years ago.
I'd advise that you stay on the outside, where the sun shines and the trees are sparse. This lovely field where the flowers grow is what the world often sees of my mind. It is open and warm, almost like a dream. It is safe.
Beyond the treeline, however, is the cold truth of what my mind really is. The further you go, the denser the trees grow and all light becomes strangled by the thick brush. Up is down, left is right, and every path narrows into nothing.
If you make it past my monsters lurking in the shadows, you will find me there. I've found safety in the dark depths of my mind, but I would be remiss if I did not warn others of the turmoil and traps that plague me.
So travelers beware- for my mind is a dangerous, twisting forest that few can find their way out of.