while taking a homework break
take me to the rose bowl, where intellect grows, intertwined with the ivy on the walls. push my nose into the coffee house, where the brightest lines were born and the deepest thoughts were sown. in this pool of wild curiosity, untamed innovation set to burst at the seams, i hope i find a corner i get to call my own.
i make my own reality before the sun decides to rise; it brews on the stove while i prepare my morning tea. a pinch of practicality, a dash of idealism, a heaping teaspoon of hope for the best. i grew up believing that if i wasn’t fermat reincarnated i’d be lost to dead stars, the remnant of a failed parental experiment. i used to wonder why i could feel poems in my bones but couldn’t trust my solution for x.
i think i know now, how to integrate and assimilate, to derive and deduce and decide. i was raised to believe i could only be one thing, and that the thing that i was wouldn’t do. across disciplinary lines, into nooks and crannies of academic divides, i have found my home in the cracks. it rains heavily tonight-i hope the seeds i have planted learn to sprout.