Divine white light pours down into the crown of my head, filling me with all that I need.
I can feel it tingle as it drifts into the space between my eyes and transform into royal violet before it begins spinning.
The violet spinning light expands in all directions as it begins its spiraling decent past my nose and chin before blending into indigo just as it reaches my throat.
Indigo rays spin around my neck creating a necklace of freedom loosing the tension I was carrying in my shoulders.
Ocean colored waves then wash beneath my shoulder blades flowing directly into my heart causing an explosion of glowing emerald light that shoots love from between my breast.
A trail of green satin gently hugs my ribs before making its way to the bright sun that has now risen inside my core, illuminating all that surrounds me.
The bright yellow sun then begins to sink down below my navel still protruding its rays in all directions as they turn intense orange.
Finding warmth and solace the orange glow begins to dip into my pelvis as it ignites in to fiery red cleansing me of all I no longer need.
The spiraling continues until it has met its end, where it combusts and shoots a bright ruby lightening bolt from the base of my spine penetrating the earth below.
I become a kaleidoscope colors that race back up my body until it reaches the divine white light entering my crown, where it then slowly drips back down my body like melting crayons.
I feel calm, balanced and completely at peace with myself and all that surrounds me and I know that I am...GROUNDED.